Where you are as an individual determine what grow within you, which in return determine your success. Let me ask you; are you at the right place?  Only five out of hundred can say yes to this question.  The rate of unemployment in the country has or is about to change what has been pre-destined for most people in this part of the world.  A good and talented mechanical  engineer who is suppose to be where he can use his talent to invent something that will benefit our generation find himself in a bank or private security company where his God given talent and acquired experience is useless . What a pity!
The importance of place is overlooked, underestimated, and insufficiently acted upon. Living in the wrong place is a self-inflicted life handicap. Living in one's right place is the foundation of a fulfilling life. And for each of us, there is an ideal place.
 The late poet Robert Creeley once said, ‘The necessary environment is that which secures the artist in the way that lets him be in the world in a most fruitful manner.’ There was a time in this country when a lawyer was made the minister of power and steel, what an irony?
Sustainability, the reason behind the dilemma of putting a square peg in a round hole. I have my God given talent which is in line with my destiny and field of study, but there is nobody to employ me to do what I love doing. Hence, I accept that which comes my way despite the fact that, it’s obvious that I don’t like them, ‘at least man go survive’. But the truth is that the best of me cannot come out  where I am now; The best comes out of you when you are at the right place with the right people.
The globacom  mobile, a company own by the multi-millionaire, Mike Adenuga, uses a caption for one of their advert wish I love so much and since the day I set my eyes on the caption it has always be my watch word.’ THERE IS NO LIMIT TO WHAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE, IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF’.
Believe in yourself, never allow your talent to waste, this will take you to where you will celebrated rather than where you are tolerated  


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